Incomplete lineage sorting in great apes

Stine Keibel Blom, PhD-student, University of Copenhagen

Oct. 14th 2022 – Culture Night, H.C. Ørstedsinstituttet, University of Copenhagen

Friday the 14th of October I attended the Culture Night with Merin and the rest of the Ecology & Evolution section, presenting my current and upcoming work on great ape evolution and incomplete lineage sorting. I brought several reconstructions of skulls (extant and extinct humans, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon) that both children and adults could examine, along with a full (and REAL) human skeleton (after all, it is soon to be halloween, right?👻), and a poster describing my work so far. A lot of people came by my table, asking interesting questions that are worth of further thoughts.

Oct. 7th – Start up seminar

Friday the 7th of October I had my start up seminar in the section for Ecology & Evolution. Here, I explained my current plan, thoughts, and ideas about my three-year PhD.